Box Of Rain, Feel Like A Stranger, Loser, Beat It On Down The Line, West L.A. Fadeaway, When I Paint My Masterpiece, Far From Me, Tennessee Jed, Hell In A Bucket Samson & Delilah, Hey Pocky Way, Estimated Prophet-> Eyes Of The World-> Drums-> Jam-> The Wheel-> Gimme Some Lovin'-> Stella Blue-> Throwing Stones-> Turn On Your Love Light, E: Knockin' On Heaven's Door
Master Soundboard DAT > CDR,EAC'ed / SHN'ed by Scott Clugston, to abgd via Charlie Connor
July 22, 2022 Subject:
the next night.
hey alohalotus, Brent's last show was the next night, the 23rd.
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May 9, 2022 (edited)
End of the Surge
This was Brent's last show the end of the late 80's wave that rolled in like a flood. Phenomenal energy a total and complete peak of positive vibrations.
If you listen to the years from era to era no question something happened from 87 - 90 that was a special time for all to enjoy. Have fun, make your own music and keep it light. Thanks
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November 8, 2012 Subject:
Highlights: Meh
November 6, 2009 Subject:
Funny Venue
I remember 3 things from this show besides the eccho. There were hundreds of drunk people mad and tearing down the chain link fence. We stayed at the little
campground across the highway, on a bus equiped with a nitrous tank. One of my most memorable show moments ever was Jerry singing Stella Blue, and the airplane circling slowly overhead. It was beautiful.
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November 7, 2008 Subject:
21st birthday show
This was not only my first Dead show, but it was also on my 21st b-day. Needless to say, I don't remember much of it. I understand that the World Music
Theatre is a travesty of engineering and design. But as an extremely wasted neophyte, the strange acoustics (the echo especially), were mind blowing. I have seen the band dozens more times in all incarnations (The Grateful Dead, The Other Ones, The Dead), but two shows I have been to really stand out to me. This one and the Terrapin Station Reunion at Alpine Valley. Actually, the Rosemont Horizon show stands out also because it was the most ridiculous billing ever. Never try to pack 10,000 people into a venue that can't handle 2,000 (was there in that sardine can too). Anyways, I will listen to this show and it will remind me of a simpler time. Before mortgage payments, drug tests, and the real world. Thank you Internet Archive.
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August 13, 2008 Subject:
1st show
So glad I found this show for the reason it was my 1st show. Opened my eyes to the family! So sad that it was Brent's last.
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August 16, 2007 Subject:
Great Summer 1990 Brent Show
Hey this show is definitely work listening to, but there is a problem--the West LA Fadeaway is missing from the stream. If anyone knows either Scott Clugston
or Charlie Connor, could you ask them to add the West LA to this stream? A complete show would be great. By the way, I was at this run, as well as the whole west coast and Sandstone that summer. This run stands up well to the best of that tour. While the pavillion was weird because there are skyboxes (in an amphitheatre?? WTF?), the sound was great-- I was in row 15 directly in front of Jerry for 2 of the 3 shows (for the other show I was so loaded that I stood on the walkway between the pavillion and the lawn, directly underneath one of the secondary speakers--a waterfall of sounds and colors.
Reviewer:James Ball
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March 27, 2007 Subject:
Sorry, it's a bit weak
There's definitely something to be said for actually having been there in person. I know the shows I went to hold a special place for me and I listen to
them regularly on here. But this one is just a bit painful to listen to in places. Bobby forgetting lyrics, Brent noodling distractedly, bad vocals all around. "Eyes" is decent here and it's definitely a nice long set, but there are better 1990 sets out there.
My review was based on a listen a couple weeks ago - I haven't been able to get this one play since. @%#&!
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July 13, 2006 Subject:
Good show, good tour
This show was pretty good. Better than 7-23, but not the best I've heard. 1990 was a rippin year for the band, even though Brent declined musically and
vocally during the summer tour. I've always been a 'Brent head', I think he was the best keyboardist the band had hands down. It's too bad he died, all that talent gone to waste.
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July 13, 2006 (edited)
I was there
I remember a great, long, Eyes. Someone posted in the 3/29/90 thread about great Eyes' this year and didn't mention this one. The jam after Eyes was something
to behold as well. Unfortunately, Brent was MIA in Estimated, right when Jerry finishes his solo and comps the rhythm a few times,and Brent normally gets his licks in. Maybe he was already on his way out. Seriously, the news just floored me - never saw it coming and it tore me up. Although the Stranger, Pocky, and Stella from this show are no slouches, I give it four stars on the strength of the Eyes, and 3 for the rest of the show. Edited: How could I forget, the jam out of Estimated was super sick!
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March 23, 2006 Subject:
last Dead show
This was my last Dead show, and I remember it well. Hellish traffic jam the day before on the interstate getting into this venue, but this night made up
for it. I'll always remember getting back to Madison the next day or so and hearing that Brent had died. It shook me for the whole rest of that summer. I for one thought Brent was great.
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February 19, 2006 Subject:
2nd set works fine, i think he has a few fillers in between sets is all
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February 14, 2006 (edited)
Second and last BIODTL of the year. 20+ beats!!..... Much better sound than on tape it was in person. This venue had the WORST sound of ANY venue
I have ever seen the Dead (or any concert), and I saw them between 85 and 90 times from Sea to Shining Sea. Even the nosebleeds at Giants sounded better. Knickerbocker being, from my experience, the best, although Richfield sounded pretty good too! Thanks for the link to the m3u file, it works great for the first set. Unfortunately, it takes the listener back to set 2 of 7-21-90 for the second set.
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August 9, 2005 Subject:
Nearing the end of a journey
Wow what a tour! IMO, the very best one musically for the band ever. the whole circus seemed to be perfect! Side show "US" and all.The vibe was spectacular
it all just intertwined so well. As I listened to this show I felt the anguish and exaustion the boys felt. Especially Brent! What the F*ck???? Accidental O/D my ASS! Just can't understand it! I'm still bummed the F*ck out about it. If you listen to him the last 2 weeks of this tour you can tell that he'd just about had enough. The man had it all litterally at his fingrtips, except the one thing he really really needed. Some folks didn't like him because of the emotional agression he let out On those keys. I play and let me tell you it's therapy man! Sometimes you make love to it other time you beat and abuse it to let the anger out. which ever, it's therapy. Most of His songs were either about Love or the lack of it. He did the opposite The song I will take you home promised. God bless them two girls! One could only imagine what could have come in the future. The band stepped up quite a few notches 88-90. And it seemed like the fire was blazin higher and higher as time passed. I will forever remain a Brent Head. Thanks for the expierence Brent! Thanks to the valiant effort of all involved to make this possible.I now have a great collection of shows downloaded.
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July 22, 2005 (edited)
Stream Here
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May 7, 2005 (edited)
fun time good show
Well I liked the venue. Sure the location was off, drinks and food overpriced and the police out of control. But what can you expect the 1st year a venue
opens and hosts the GD who had just been kicked out of alpine the previous year. I found that 3 years later the world had gotten better and security even saved my ass at an allmans show when someone threatened to wrop my mic stand around my head. Any ways this was a phat show the far from me was really a higlight esspecially since Brent passed soon after( listen for "this is my last song for you bitch" it really brings it home). I would say it is worth the download. Peace
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January 24, 2005 Subject:
Great Show!
This was my second ever Dead show, the first being at the greatest ampitheater Alpine Valley the year before. Ironically they pulled a wicked 180 and played
the worst ampitheater the year after! I have yet to meet anyone who actually likes the World Music Theater. The security, sound, parking, location, etc. all sucks. Needless to say this show was jammed with energy and an amazing set list. Highlights had to be the emotion Brent threw down for Far From Me and a high energy Hey Pockey Way. Sadly it would be the last we would hear of either tune. This was by far the best of the three nights & it's well worth the download!
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January 18, 2005 Subject:
A few memories about these shows
You know its funny. I saw most of this whole tour and at the time I was thinking that it really wasnt their best. Then when Brent died a few weeks later,
I started to appreciate what I was taking for granted earlier. For anyone who hasnt been there, Tinley Park is a three story steel and cement amphitheater. (Thats right a floor level with a lawn and 3 stories of seats) It definitely made me miss the Poplar Creek shows in the past. Anyway, the only thing I remeber about these shows was crappy sound and a dusty parking lot. One thing I have to say though, I'm not from Chicago but they definitely are a fun crowd, most energetic anywhere outside of the Philly to Boston zone. Damn I missed Brent after these shows! Without him around Jerry seemed to forget how to play.
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January 18, 2005 Subject:
The Best of Tinley Park
By concensus of everyone I spoke to who saw all 3 shows at Tinley Park, this was easily the best. I agree with that. All due respect to Relix Magazine
rating the next night in the years top ten and not this or either of the preceding Deer Creek shows, but that was likely due to 7-23-90 being Brent's last show. All 3 audience recordings I heard of this show were of awful pitch (out of batteries at the end of tour guys?) Likely why they aren't here. This rating is for what I remember about the show, I'm downloading it now and I'll adjust my rating and review accordingly after I burn this show.
Reviewer:Mark Michaels
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January 14, 2005 (edited)
Box o' Rain opener....3.5 stars
Box of Rain opener! It rained during the second set on the 21st....was it raining for the start of this show? Unfortunately, the unique placement doesn't
make up for Phil's weak vocals. Otherwise, tight playing throughtout this show. First set higlights are BIODTL (a rarity for '90!) and a sweet Masterpiece!! Sound quality is excellent for the instrumentals, but vocal pickup is fair to poor on several songs, which will annoy some TapeHeads. Is there a good AUD copy out there? As I recall, the WMT didn't have the best acoustics....Haven't listened to the second set all the way through yet...but it will take a strong finish to give this more than 3 and 1/2 stars.